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1––4. fairytale eggplant. squat or kneel, and use both hands to turn the plants upside down; look for the purple ones that might be hiding under the leaves. on the last day, as we pull out the retired plants from the ground, i realize that i’ll miss picking these tiny eggplants.
N––R fish water for plugs. soak the 128 holes tray in the water; balance the tray with your left hand; use your right hand to drop kale into the soil; do not bend. next season a new Paper Pot Transplanter will increase efficiency.
▴▾ deer fence. the farm manager shows me how to tie knots. black plastic clips that accommodate the wire are hard to slip onto the metal posts. corner posts use different clips. we spend too much time trying to calculate how many clips we need. the following day, a veteran field crew arrives at the farm and gets the fence up in no time.
C50––D75 leek. pick the thickest ones; leave the skinny ones to grow an extra week. i place my foot next to the thin stalks hoping to keep them in the ground; count groups of 25 and place in the wheelbarrow; drop at the wash station and chop roots and edges. slightly bend the knees and inhale to tighten the lower abdomen, pulling out leek puts pressure on the back. somedays, when it’s early in the morning, the plants are still covered with morning dew, my hands slip, the leek wins. touché.
1.0––1.3 procession. entering the field, we walk in a line. each one of us has a different gait and method for carrying our tools or containers. usually, i walk at the end, behind the assistant grower, down the muddy path. we all have a soft gaze while assessing the crops. wide shot.
A1––B4 arugula. grab a cutting knife and two crates; begin cutting greens from the back of the bed, avoid the edge if greens seem dark (too bitter); use your dominant hand; leave approximately 1 inch (will grow); wash in sink; package in one lb. bags. stretch torso, lift the sternum and lean over the square bed; keep the spine straight, look down; cut; take a deep breath; turn left and extend hand to drop produce; exhale and turn back to face the bed; repeat.
↻ wind. inhale; keep a straight back, long neck; lift your eyes to the top of the trees; exhale.